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“The act of painting requires, among other things, especially a certain speed, both in look and in the implementation. In times of immediacy where ephemeral reigns, painting,

becomes an act of resistance to the vortex that takes it all with a simple click”.


Education: Academia José Antonio Díez (España) Bellas Artes; Facultad BB AA (España)

Licenciado en Facultad BB AA; Especialidad Gravado (España)

Public Collections:  Museo Assis Chanteubriand (Brazil), Museo Arte Contemporáneo (Pais Vasco, España), Instituto Artes Gráficas (Mexico), Centro Universitario del Norte (Mexico), Universidad De Guadalajara (Mexico)


About The Bull Series: The Bull, Mesopotamian symbolic figure travels the Mediterranean and crosses the Atlantic to arrive in America. Embrace a compendium of civilizations, Asian,

Oriental, Etruscan, Greek, Latin, Roman, Hispanic, Gala, European, Egyptian and African. Is a citizen of the world, of tropical heart, has a sporting spirit and a traveling soul.

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